Lutheran Northwest

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Thespians Sponsor Food Drive

Lutheran Northwest’s Thespian Troupe 4216 is sponsoring a FOOD DRIVE from October 15 to November 15, collecting canned and boxed food for Gleaners. This is part of a national effort by The International Thespian Society to collect food for the needy, especially children, during their annual TOTS EAT campaign (Trick or Treat so Kids Can Eat). Food can be brought to school and put in the boxes inside the front doors in the lobby.

Also, anyone who brings a can of food to any performance of Thespian Troupe’s 4216’s fall production of Little Women will receive $2 off the price of admission! Performances are November 2 and 3 at 7:00 pm and November 4 at 2:00 pm.

Please help us help others by donating generously!